Thursday, September 6, 2007

Worlds Apart

My apologies for the last rant, I'm much better now :) I have a complete peace about my future, uncertain though it may be. I'm actually looking forward to the unknown future. The less I plan, the more flexibility I can have. I'm pretty excited!

I'm in the process of flipping through travel booklets so I can plan a nice vacation away. Excited about that too. And in the last month I have been able to cross of two things on my list of 100 things to do; climb a mountain and volunteer at a womens shelter. Its awesome! Only 98 things to go.

Life in general has been busy and good, I'm enjoying myself. Learning lots, experiencing lots, trying new things, meeting new people. Its a great time of my life and I am learning how to take advantage of that.


~Penny~ said...

Where are you thinking of going? I love vacations!

enjoyingthesinglelife said...

I want to go to Ireland, Jamaica or Greece I'm thinking...

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you've done your research into the history. Have you done similar indepth research into the statements you have made about Islam, the Quran and Prophet Muhammed? Or are your statements based on the book you read. I can assure you that rape, female mutilation etc is not allowed in Islam, and shows the terrible aspects of people, not the religion.

Thanks for being more fair, Viv.

enjoyingthesinglelife said...

No, female mutilation is not something limited to Islam, its done by non-muslims as well, and also is not done by all muslims. It just happened to this woman. And yes, I have done research into Islam, Muhammed, etc. and have almost read through the Quran. Not sure that you really need to research the Quran to understand exactly what it does and does not allow.
This book that I read just happened to be a personal testimony from a woman who is now in hiding because she has had her life threatened by Islamic fundamentalists for speaking out about the things that have happened to her. She has dates, places, facts, names and more than enough experience to make her credible. So while Islam does not necessarily condone the treatment that women in places like Saudi Arabia go through, they don't punish the people who do it. They turn a blind eye. And heck, people in every other country of the world refuse to acknowledge that things like that even happen. Which is weird because if it was a Christian group, you can believe they would all be locked up.

I try to find the truth in everything. I don't like being blown about by stereotypes and rumors, I like finding out what is going on at the core, and I am just as harsh when I find faults regardless of the religion, gender, or nationality.

Thank you for your understanding.