Friday, September 14, 2007

Question for the Jury

Alright, I have a question for you guys. Do guys know when they are flirting? And I'm not talking the smooth-talking, sleazy sales kinda guys, I'm talking just the average, funny, normal guy. Do they realize it? I'm back to wondering about this guy that my sister likes (and who I may have some form of interest in as well. Possibly.) The thing is that he talks to the two of us very very differently. When he talks to her, he talks a lot...softer I guess is the best way of putting it. Which makes sense, she appears to be a much more gentle, soft person than I am (I say appears not in a mean way, I just happen to know that she isn't really like that at all, lol. Sweet girl, just has quite the temper on her). And when he talks to me, its a lot more flirtatious. He winks, stares more intensely and I never actually realized that guys bite their lips too. But he does. Anyways, two very very different ways of talking. So I was just wondering if guys realize when they are flirting. Because if he doesn't realize it, thats one thing. But if he does and he likes my sister, thats probably not a good thing. I enjoy it though, I have a lot of fun when we are talking. I was just wondering.

He asked her out for coffee. Which could mean one of several things. What you guys have to understand is that in our circle of friends and at our church, you are raised with a certain standard. That standard is that it is respectably required to ask the fathers permission before dating a girl. I know that he was raised that way so he knows that. So its not a date. I am thinking, and so is she, that it is more likely that it is probably a "getting to know you better thing". Either that, or she said that it might be a "I heard that you like me and I'm not interested" kind of talk. Which also would make sense, though I don't know that that would be it. In any case, he asked her. So I've been in a constant state of "stop thinking about it, moron!". And have come to the place where I'm going to accept things either way because if this is not the guy for me, there is an even more amazing guy out there somewhere. Which is an exciting thought :)


Anonymous said...

I think he's flirting with both of you. He's just using a different method depending on your personalities. I would steer clear.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I agree with Madison.

This sounds like a situation that could easily blow up in your face.

Does your sister have any idea in your interest in the boy?

enjoyingthesinglelife said...

Hmm...interesting...thanks, I never really thought of it that way!

And no, she has NO idea...