Tuesday, September 4, 2007

PMS Warning

Alright, so I know the title of this blog is "Enjoying the Single Life", but it would be SO much easier to enjoy the single life if I didn't dream about not being single or watch chick flicks or have all of my other friends hooking up or having an amazing yet untouchable guy in my life. Let me explain.

A couple nights back I had an amazingly vivid dream of being in a relationship. Nothing all that intense happened, but I remember what he looked like and how he talked and things he said to me, and he was just so sweet and I felt so incandescently happy in my dream. It was awesome, but made me realize that although I enjoy the independence of single-ness, I would love to have a significant other that I could hold hands with and talk to and love and have them love me. I really really want that.

Chick flicks are self explanatory.

My past blogs have explained the "everyone has a significant other but me".

And the un-touchable guy in my life? I got to know him a lot better this past weekend. We spent a lot of time together. He is hilarious, we can talk so easily and we tease each other and banter back and forth, and it is so much fun. However, as I have said before, my sister likes him. BIG problem. And other people think it would be such a sweet match. I know because I hear it CONSTANTLY. I have people even asking me if I could help them out and lead them into conversations, etc. because I can talk to him. Not only that, but until my ex, Jared, gets a girlfriend, I will have no peace in any relationship I have. Especially with my mom. Because for SOME ODD REASON, no matter how many times she tells me that he deserves better, she still insists that I care about him and am just too stubborn to admit it...hes been acting like a jerk lately though, so even if I did care about him as anything more as a brother, he needs to grow up. Its really irritating.

Because of my on and off relationship with him for the past few years though, everyone just assumes that regardless of the fact that I called things off with him, we are still in a relationship therefore no one can "go for me" or "go for him". If he gets a girlfriend first though, that will be the final nail in the coffin and everyone will get off my back. And realize that I actually am single. Until that happens, I can't have a relationship with any sort of peace.

And besides, some people have mentioned that they think that this guy might possibly maybe have a slight interest in my sister. No one actually has any idea whatsoever. But it still hurts every time I hear it. I think my problem is that I have never really been in a situation where I have cared about a guy that I seriously truly can't have without destroying almost all of the relationships that I have in my life or who may be interested in my sister.

Could you imagine if the two of them got together though? I don't know what I would do.

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