Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Oh no he did not!

So all of my friends have OFFICIALLY gone crazy. Heres the situation.

So Taylor (refer to enjoyingthesinglelife.blogspot.com/2007/08/rules-for-dating-my-friends.html for a full description on who's who) is interested in Jareds sister, Emily. Which is fine except that she is still in school. And no, not college. High school. A little weird, but hey, weirder things have happened and its not like Taylor is 40. However, Taylor and Jared are best friends. Jared's parents have told Emily that she isn't allowed to date until shes 18. They're the typical Christian conservative parents. I don't disagree with the rule, I was given the same rule, I just happened to break it. A few times. Anyways. Taylor has said that he will wait until shes 18 to pursue anything. Then we find out that Emily is not quite as squeaky-clean as we all thought she was and she is the one pursuing him. Hardcore. And she isn't even sure that she likes him. I'm pretty sure she just wants to be rebellious. Either way, she is pursuing him and he is trying to obey the parents as well as retain his friendship with Jared. Not working so well because he is head-over-heels for her. So now they are just sneaking around behind everyones backs. Taylor seems to think that I must be okay with it because he tells me everything that is going on. Which puts a bit of a weight on my shoulders because on the one hand I don't want to go to Jared or Jared's parents and tell them what is going on, but I also think Taylors being an idiot. Jared found out that they have been sneaking around, put some tighter restrictions on Taylor. Taylor thinks Jared is being a jerk. I think they're both idiots. Keri tried to talk to Taylor about it, they got in a huge fight and now aren't speaking. I'm stuck in the middle. Its a blast.

Next, David and Keri. Now, they have been hanging out a LOT over the last several months. Keri has liked him for 2 years. And he has been giving the very strong impression to everyone that they were going out. So much so that people would bring it up to him and he would just smile, not admit or deny it. When I say he was giving the impression, I mean going to movies together, going to dinner together, talking for hours on the phone, he even bought them matching sweaters. THEN he tells her that they need to "talk" but that they "can't until the mood is right". Which, of course, if you are a girl you know is unbelievably cruel and unnatural. Two weeks later, after bringing it up a few more times but refusing to tell her anything, finally tells her. After being yelled at by several people. He tells her right before his huge suprise birthday party that she planned for him. Which, granted, he didn't know about. But still. Crappy timing. He tells her that he doesn't care about her in "that way" and that he didn't mean to give the impression that he was interested in her. So she calls me and shes crying (and she NEVER cries, I have never seen her cry) and asks if I can come and pick up the birthday gift that she got for him and bring it to the party because she isn't going to be able to make it.

So I already think hes a jerk. But hey, he made a mistake...for several months...but at least hes finally cleared the air. I hung out with her that night and she is starting to feel better, just needs some sleep...has a really great day the next day. Goes to work that night. And guess who shows up at work? If you guessed David, you'd be right! He shows up, and in front of her other co-worker who was there, brings it up again. Says the same things again. Then, when shes noticeably upset, tries to give her a hug and tell her to feel better. She pushes him away and hes offended because he just wanted to make her feel better.

Okay seriously? Guys? Its called a brain. Find it. Use it. Love it. So now shes upset all over again, heartbroken all over again. And I'm ready to cut off his balls and feed them to him. If I can find them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, wow. Is this guy slow or just really really cruel? I'll let it slide that he didn't mean to lead her on (he can have the benefit of the doubt), but why does he have to bring it up more than once? Seriously, that's just mean. If he keeps talking about it, she's never gonna get over it.

I will help you find him and his balls. :P