Tuesday, September 18, 2007

9th Times a Charm

You know those little email forwards that you get that ask you all those questions and you have to write them down and you get the "interpretation" after? I just did one, and I don't buy them, but they're kinda fun. Anyways, it had all these questions about whether I'd prefer a dog, cat, or bird and would I rather have a wedding in a church or outdoors, stuff like that. Then it just said to pick a number between 1-10, so I threw a 9 out there. Got all the random answers at the bottom and it said that "the number you chose is the amount of times you'll fall in love before you get married". All I could think was "......well that sucks!"

Anyways, tonight is the infamous coffee night with my sister and whats-his-face, so we'll see how that goes. I think whatever happens I'm okay with it. I had a girl night with my best friend Keri where we watching Anastasia, A Cinderella Story and the Little Mermaid...and yes, we were crying in all of them because, lets face it, we're losers. Anyways, it got me thinking about when I was a little girl and I wanted to be a princess and have my prince charming come and all that. I really want to believe in love like that again...the sweeping off the feet, true love's first kiss, winning against all the odds, living happily ever after. Weren't those years beautiful? So I've decided that whether it is reality or not, I am going to choose to believe that love like that exists.

I believe that love is more than just fluttery feelings or a spark that will eventually fade out...and I hate seeing the divorce statistics rising year after year. I am going to wait for a Prince Charming to sweep me off my feet when I least expect it, and until that happens I will continue to run this race of life...

And try and stop me!!


Anonymous said...

That's exactly what I think too. I've had good relationships and bad ones, but why is it wrong to want more? My friends tell me my standards are too high, I disagree. Somewhere out there, there's a guy who exceeds them.

enjoyingthesinglelife said...


Anonymous said...

There are no such thing as too high of standards. You want what you want, right? And you DESERVE to want what you want. :)