Friday, September 28, 2007

Oh The Places We Shall Go

So I am currently in the process of dreaming up two trips. One is perfectly planned, the other one is planned for me. The one I have planned is my dream trip to Ireland, where I have found the most AMAZING little place to stay in that looks like it came right out of a Thomas Kinkade painting. The second is a trip to Israel/Egypt which would already be planned for me, I just need to come up with the money for it. Both are looking like they will be absolutely amazing!!

In other news, I am now fiercely addicted to the Office. I have watched all seasons and episodes of the British version and am currently under the influence of the American version. Watched 8 episodes last night so I am a wee bit tired but thats okay because its worth it! Jim and Pam are so bloody cute. I love it.

I now have a car calendar hanging up in my cubicle, and have discovered my dream car. A 1993 McLaren F1 XP4. Seriously, check this thing out. Not only is it HOT on the outside, but it is apparently one of the only cars to ever be created with the steering wheel in the middle and two passenger seats on either side. I want it. Can I afford it? Nope. Will I buy it eventually anyways? Oh yeah baby.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Oh no he did not!

So all of my friends have OFFICIALLY gone crazy. Heres the situation.

So Taylor (refer to for a full description on who's who) is interested in Jareds sister, Emily. Which is fine except that she is still in school. And no, not college. High school. A little weird, but hey, weirder things have happened and its not like Taylor is 40. However, Taylor and Jared are best friends. Jared's parents have told Emily that she isn't allowed to date until shes 18. They're the typical Christian conservative parents. I don't disagree with the rule, I was given the same rule, I just happened to break it. A few times. Anyways. Taylor has said that he will wait until shes 18 to pursue anything. Then we find out that Emily is not quite as squeaky-clean as we all thought she was and she is the one pursuing him. Hardcore. And she isn't even sure that she likes him. I'm pretty sure she just wants to be rebellious. Either way, she is pursuing him and he is trying to obey the parents as well as retain his friendship with Jared. Not working so well because he is head-over-heels for her. So now they are just sneaking around behind everyones backs. Taylor seems to think that I must be okay with it because he tells me everything that is going on. Which puts a bit of a weight on my shoulders because on the one hand I don't want to go to Jared or Jared's parents and tell them what is going on, but I also think Taylors being an idiot. Jared found out that they have been sneaking around, put some tighter restrictions on Taylor. Taylor thinks Jared is being a jerk. I think they're both idiots. Keri tried to talk to Taylor about it, they got in a huge fight and now aren't speaking. I'm stuck in the middle. Its a blast.

Next, David and Keri. Now, they have been hanging out a LOT over the last several months. Keri has liked him for 2 years. And he has been giving the very strong impression to everyone that they were going out. So much so that people would bring it up to him and he would just smile, not admit or deny it. When I say he was giving the impression, I mean going to movies together, going to dinner together, talking for hours on the phone, he even bought them matching sweaters. THEN he tells her that they need to "talk" but that they "can't until the mood is right". Which, of course, if you are a girl you know is unbelievably cruel and unnatural. Two weeks later, after bringing it up a few more times but refusing to tell her anything, finally tells her. After being yelled at by several people. He tells her right before his huge suprise birthday party that she planned for him. Which, granted, he didn't know about. But still. Crappy timing. He tells her that he doesn't care about her in "that way" and that he didn't mean to give the impression that he was interested in her. So she calls me and shes crying (and she NEVER cries, I have never seen her cry) and asks if I can come and pick up the birthday gift that she got for him and bring it to the party because she isn't going to be able to make it.

So I already think hes a jerk. But hey, he made a mistake...for several months...but at least hes finally cleared the air. I hung out with her that night and she is starting to feel better, just needs some sleep...has a really great day the next day. Goes to work that night. And guess who shows up at work? If you guessed David, you'd be right! He shows up, and in front of her other co-worker who was there, brings it up again. Says the same things again. Then, when shes noticeably upset, tries to give her a hug and tell her to feel better. She pushes him away and hes offended because he just wanted to make her feel better.

Okay seriously? Guys? Its called a brain. Find it. Use it. Love it. So now shes upset all over again, heartbroken all over again. And I'm ready to cut off his balls and feed them to him. If I can find them.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Wake Up Call

So I have had the song Wake Up Call by Maroon 5 stuck in my head for the last 2 days straight! I've decided that I want someone to cheat on me JUST so I can sing that song...and "Think Before he Cheats" by Carrie Underwood. Two very vengeful songs that I love to sing along to and wish I would have a reason to do them...well, not murder someone as in the Maroon 5 song...but it'd still be fun to sing.

MOVING RIGHT ALONG...I have been working on my friendships with girls in the last little up coffees, movies and dinners with them...I've actually really enjoyed it. I've never been able to be friends with girls in the past because I find it really hard to have fun with them in the same way that I have fun with guys. But it is SO much more fun to be single when you have other single girls to be single with...its not the same when you hang out with single guys. I only have one guy friend that I consider a completely platonic friendship...and hes awesome...but all the rest of them I've either liked in the past, they've liked me, or I'm attracted to them at least. Not so easy to hang out with them when they're single and you're single because...well, for obvious reasons. So single girls are fun.

Planning some get-away weekends as well. No idea when they are going to happen. But I'm planning them! And trying to find a day where I can go to the spa and just relax all day. I'm talking hair styles, manicures, pedicures, massages (I am intrigued by the hot stone massages...look like fun!), facials, etc. Might even try waxing. I've only ever waxed my legs and that was at home and HOLY it hurts. You get used to it after a while, but its not very effective at home. And they never seem to put enough supplies in the case! I don't have huge legs and they aren't all that long either, so I don't get it!

I really need to get back into martial arts...Christmas is coming and with it comes at least 2 Christmas parties that I am going to need to be dressed up is a masquerade ball! Which is am SO excited about!

Overall, life is busy and exciting and I am having so much fun right now! I love it.

Oh, and the coffee with my sister and that other guy went fairly well apparently...he was late. Not a good sign. But apparently they got times mixed up, so its not technically his fault I guess. Oh well. All in all I'm over him...I am still attracted to him and find him absolutely hilarious, but hey, if he becomes a brother-in-law? Hes stuck with me forever anyways! Heheh. Win-win situation for me.

I'm such a loser.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007


So I'm in the process of reading a book called "Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul" and have so far been extremely impressed by it...there was an interesting quote in it that I wanted to get some feedback on: "We think you'll find that every woman in her heart of hearts longs for three things: to be romanced, to play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure and to unveil beauty. That's what makes a woman come alive."

Now when I first read that, all I could think was "Amen!!" but I thought I'd test that while that describes my hearts desire to a tee, I thought I'd see what you guys thought...

Food for thought :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

9th Times a Charm

You know those little email forwards that you get that ask you all those questions and you have to write them down and you get the "interpretation" after? I just did one, and I don't buy them, but they're kinda fun. Anyways, it had all these questions about whether I'd prefer a dog, cat, or bird and would I rather have a wedding in a church or outdoors, stuff like that. Then it just said to pick a number between 1-10, so I threw a 9 out there. Got all the random answers at the bottom and it said that "the number you chose is the amount of times you'll fall in love before you get married". All I could think was "......well that sucks!"

Anyways, tonight is the infamous coffee night with my sister and whats-his-face, so we'll see how that goes. I think whatever happens I'm okay with it. I had a girl night with my best friend Keri where we watching Anastasia, A Cinderella Story and the Little Mermaid...and yes, we were crying in all of them because, lets face it, we're losers. Anyways, it got me thinking about when I was a little girl and I wanted to be a princess and have my prince charming come and all that. I really want to believe in love like that again...the sweeping off the feet, true love's first kiss, winning against all the odds, living happily ever after. Weren't those years beautiful? So I've decided that whether it is reality or not, I am going to choose to believe that love like that exists.

I believe that love is more than just fluttery feelings or a spark that will eventually fade out...and I hate seeing the divorce statistics rising year after year. I am going to wait for a Prince Charming to sweep me off my feet when I least expect it, and until that happens I will continue to run this race of life...

And try and stop me!!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Question for the Jury

Alright, I have a question for you guys. Do guys know when they are flirting? And I'm not talking the smooth-talking, sleazy sales kinda guys, I'm talking just the average, funny, normal guy. Do they realize it? I'm back to wondering about this guy that my sister likes (and who I may have some form of interest in as well. Possibly.) The thing is that he talks to the two of us very very differently. When he talks to her, he talks a lot...softer I guess is the best way of putting it. Which makes sense, she appears to be a much more gentle, soft person than I am (I say appears not in a mean way, I just happen to know that she isn't really like that at all, lol. Sweet girl, just has quite the temper on her). And when he talks to me, its a lot more flirtatious. He winks, stares more intensely and I never actually realized that guys bite their lips too. But he does. Anyways, two very very different ways of talking. So I was just wondering if guys realize when they are flirting. Because if he doesn't realize it, thats one thing. But if he does and he likes my sister, thats probably not a good thing. I enjoy it though, I have a lot of fun when we are talking. I was just wondering.

He asked her out for coffee. Which could mean one of several things. What you guys have to understand is that in our circle of friends and at our church, you are raised with a certain standard. That standard is that it is respectably required to ask the fathers permission before dating a girl. I know that he was raised that way so he knows that. So its not a date. I am thinking, and so is she, that it is more likely that it is probably a "getting to know you better thing". Either that, or she said that it might be a "I heard that you like me and I'm not interested" kind of talk. Which also would make sense, though I don't know that that would be it. In any case, he asked her. So I've been in a constant state of "stop thinking about it, moron!". And have come to the place where I'm going to accept things either way because if this is not the guy for me, there is an even more amazing guy out there somewhere. Which is an exciting thought :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Sharona

*envision My Sharona playing lightly in the background*

Aaaaaaaand, we're back! I have been having a great time the last couple of days...a bit of a rocky weekend, but I'm back on track now...allow me to share my not-so-fabulous weekend to start off with...long story short because I don't feel like thinking about it any longer, the sister-other guy thing was really bothering me to the point where I was almost crying...just the thought of them together was really hurting, as much as they are both amazing and probably deserve each other or someone like the other person...Jared was being a COMPLETE moron and I have had enough of it, so we're not really talking...and other people were pushing my buttons after they already realized that I was in a bad mood. FYI guys, BAD idea to point out over and over again what a bad mood I'm in when I'm in a bad mood. Mmkay? Shall we not? Plus I was insanely overtired which didn't help matters.

Monday morning I went on a short business trip to do other peoples' work for them (always a treat), but it actually was really really good. I got a TON of work done, AND went shopping. Got some amazing hand and body stuff which smells amazing and my hands are now excessively soft which is fantastic. And I bought, please don't laugh at me, I know I'm a nerd already, a DVD to teach you how to Irish Dance! I was pumped. It was in this cute little Irish store, and since I'm already in love with Ireland I decided to stop in. So I bought it and as soon as I got back from my trip last night I tried it out. And HOLY CRAP. You think Irish dancing is just jumping and kicking? Uh uh. Nope, its actually got technique to it, imagine that! Its insanely difficult and VERY different from salsa which I'm still learning. So much fun though, I love it!

And I've been doing an overhaul in my room...getting a new dresser and vanity which I'm pretty excited I just need a new bed and I'll be set!

Then to top it all off, I bought some flowers for my grandma and stopped in at her house where she made me hot chocolate and cookies while telling me stories of when she was a kid. I LOVE that! It was a great night.

Anyways, I should return to work so I'll be back later!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Worlds Apart

My apologies for the last rant, I'm much better now :) I have a complete peace about my future, uncertain though it may be. I'm actually looking forward to the unknown future. The less I plan, the more flexibility I can have. I'm pretty excited!

I'm in the process of flipping through travel booklets so I can plan a nice vacation away. Excited about that too. And in the last month I have been able to cross of two things on my list of 100 things to do; climb a mountain and volunteer at a womens shelter. Its awesome! Only 98 things to go.

Life in general has been busy and good, I'm enjoying myself. Learning lots, experiencing lots, trying new things, meeting new people. Its a great time of my life and I am learning how to take advantage of that.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

PMS Warning

Alright, so I know the title of this blog is "Enjoying the Single Life", but it would be SO much easier to enjoy the single life if I didn't dream about not being single or watch chick flicks or have all of my other friends hooking up or having an amazing yet untouchable guy in my life. Let me explain.

A couple nights back I had an amazingly vivid dream of being in a relationship. Nothing all that intense happened, but I remember what he looked like and how he talked and things he said to me, and he was just so sweet and I felt so incandescently happy in my dream. It was awesome, but made me realize that although I enjoy the independence of single-ness, I would love to have a significant other that I could hold hands with and talk to and love and have them love me. I really really want that.

Chick flicks are self explanatory.

My past blogs have explained the "everyone has a significant other but me".

And the un-touchable guy in my life? I got to know him a lot better this past weekend. We spent a lot of time together. He is hilarious, we can talk so easily and we tease each other and banter back and forth, and it is so much fun. However, as I have said before, my sister likes him. BIG problem. And other people think it would be such a sweet match. I know because I hear it CONSTANTLY. I have people even asking me if I could help them out and lead them into conversations, etc. because I can talk to him. Not only that, but until my ex, Jared, gets a girlfriend, I will have no peace in any relationship I have. Especially with my mom. Because for SOME ODD REASON, no matter how many times she tells me that he deserves better, she still insists that I care about him and am just too stubborn to admit it...hes been acting like a jerk lately though, so even if I did care about him as anything more as a brother, he needs to grow up. Its really irritating.

Because of my on and off relationship with him for the past few years though, everyone just assumes that regardless of the fact that I called things off with him, we are still in a relationship therefore no one can "go for me" or "go for him". If he gets a girlfriend first though, that will be the final nail in the coffin and everyone will get off my back. And realize that I actually am single. Until that happens, I can't have a relationship with any sort of peace.

And besides, some people have mentioned that they think that this guy might possibly maybe have a slight interest in my sister. No one actually has any idea whatsoever. But it still hurts every time I hear it. I think my problem is that I have never really been in a situation where I have cared about a guy that I seriously truly can't have without destroying almost all of the relationships that I have in my life or who may be interested in my sister.

Could you imagine if the two of them got together though? I don't know what I would do.