Monday, October 29, 2007

Mambo No. 5

I had the best weekend that I have had in a LONG time! I just really needed to get out of town, and although it wasn't all that far, it is still effective. Stayed in a beautiful hotel, did lots of swimming, relaxing, watching movies and shopping. It was fantastic and very timely.

Now I'm just getting ready for Halloween, which should be a lot of fun! I would be going to a Halloween party of some sort but I have never done that in all my years of "Halloweening" so I will stick with what I do every year: help out with the Halloween party at my church for the kids. I love dressing up but I don't have as much of a sweet tooth as I used to and I don't do a lot of drinking so I might as well load the kids up with bags and bags of candy. I'm also running a karaoke section and leading all the music for it, which will be a lot of fun. I just love karaoke. Especially when its Disney songs. Because I'm that much of a loser. I'm secretly hoping no kids show up so that I can just do the karaoke by myself and eat all of their candy. Especially the cotton candy. That will be fun.

And we're coming up towards December pretty soon! Which means its time for Christmas shopping. I've already had a head start on buying gifts, but that was over a month ago and I haven't bought anything since then. If I don't get going now, I'll use an entire pay check on gifts the day before Christmas and that would suck.

Following Christmas is New Year's, which I am planning on celebrating in style. I am thinking of grabbing some girl friends and going out of town this year...head to the mountains or the ocean or something like that. Fingers crossed!

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