Monday, October 1, 2007

Keep Holding On

Well life has gone insane, its official! I am just incredibly busy. Its taking its toll on my health I think. I'm just constantly exhausted and have a constant head ache. It sucks. But thats okay! I'm getting a lot accomplished.

And I'm SO excited for one thing that I'm planning! A Christmas Masquerade Ball! I'm so pumped!!! We're talking black tie, Venetian masks, formal dresses, the works. I'm so excited. So I've been busy planning that.

Jared and I are officially fighting now, its fantastic. For the last few years we have had arguments about medication. He is very very anti-medication, I think that, while you shouldn't grab the nearest thing off the shelf if you aren't feeling chipper, medication is very useful sometimes. Two mutual friends have suffered from clinical depression for several years now, and he is constantly making them feel guilty for taking prescribed medication for it. I got sick and tired of it and told him that we have doctors for a reason. He got angry and told me to stop talking to him like he's an idiot. And now we aren't talking. Meh. If hes going to be an idiot, I'll talk to him like he's an idiot.

In other news, you all have to check out this website . Seriously. Most important movie of our time, quoting Glenn Beck. If you have a chance, at least watch the trailer for it. This has video footage, interviews, news articles, undercover journalists, etc. Its very accurate and covers what most people don't want to hear. This stuff is far closer to home than people realize and we need to wake up. **Just as an aside, I want to make it VERY clear that I don't think all muslims are violent, radical, extremists...the vast majority practice their religion in a peaceful manner, and many do not support the radicals. But there ARE extremists out there. There is coming a time in the near future where apathy will no longer be an option**

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