Friday, November 2, 2007

Ahh, young love

So I find myself in an unbelievably good mood this morning, which is fantastic and for several reasons.

Just got a massage last night which was extremely relaxing, so I slept VERY well. This guy is amazing! It hurts at the time, but hes doing it to fix my back, neck and jaw, so I guess I'd rather it hurt and get fixed, than feel relaxing and do next to nothing. So that was amazing.

Next, I got the chance to send around an incriminating photo of my boss to all employees, which was fantastic. Hes a good friend of mine, so its all good.

And last but not least, an acquaintance of mine got engaged. And I think hes an idiot. So why am I in a good mood about it? It just makes me laugh. He can barely support himself and just had to find a new job because he lost his last one. Hes a high school drop out and...20 years old. And hes proposing to his girlfriend who makes more than him. On Halloween. And she accepted. All of the above is extremely humorous to me. He used to be my best friend and then started getting a little too close for comfort when I was in Peru, so I had to cut him out completely. When I got back, obviously things were very different. All in all, he has a LOT of potential. Just needs to go back to school and finish things up and do more in life than video and computer games, and hes set! But he refuses to. So I gave up nagging him to go back. So now when I see him doing something like this, I just have to shake my head. It can't end well. Not from what I know of him. Shes a sweet girl from what I know of her, nice enough, but she has NO idea what she is getting herself into.

Oh well, best of luck to both of them! The best part is when I see something like this, it reminds me of why I am single. And happy about it.

Now, off to go plan my next trip...