Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I Can Hear the Bells

Ahhhh yes, Christmas bells. Christmas is quickly approaching and for once in my life, I'm prepared ahead of time! I've already started buying the gifts. And listening to the music. Its pretty exciting.

What is not so is exciting is the fact that my jaw may be dislocated. It got stuck (TMJ stuff) and I went to the doctor because it was really really hurting, and left with some major medication, prescription for physio and an appointment for an x-ray. Its awesome. Nothing like being forced to eat soup until everything gets better.

Of course, when I'm on this medication, I can do anything. I'm not saying I'm going to go off and order a steak, but I AM going to go and have something that hasn't been anywhere near the proximity of a blender.

In other news, guess what I'm doing this weekend? If you guessed going out of town for some much needed relaxation time, you would be correct! Not really to anywhere exciting, just a few hours away, but that is more than enough! I need a break from all the crap that I'm dealing with right now. And the people. And the idiots.

Right on that note, how difficult is is to fulfill your commitments? I mean...you made them. No one forced you. No one said that you had no choice in the matter. You volunteered and suddenly, while you still want to be involved, you don't want to actually do any work for it. Seriously! I don't need 5 year olds working with me, I need some adults. That would be fantastic.

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