Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Adding to the Noise

I am trying to keep politics out of this blog, but I have to speak up about something. I don't know if any of you know a guy named Glenn Beck. He has a radio show and a tv program. And is, in my opinion, on of the only guys in the media who has his head on straight. Thats all a matter of opinion though. However, if you look at his website, he has a section on hate mail. This is where he posts all of the emails and letters he receives with people spewing their insults and hatred for him. There seems to be one common theme in these. That would be liberals/democrats talking about how much they hate him, calling him racist, a pig, ugly, un-american, hatemongerer, etc. Now, question. How is it possible for these people to send these angry emails spewing their hatred, and accuse him of being a hatemongerer? Isn't that...isn't that what they are?

The funny thing is that their letters have no substance to them. Its like a 4th grade girls fight. "You're ugly, I hate you, why don't you shut up, you're fat, you're stupid", just with a whole lot of swearing involved. It is unbelievable. It wouldn't be so easy to make fun of democrats if they actually had something to back themselves up with. We disagree. Thats okay. You tell me its okay that you don't agree with me, but heaven forbid I disagree with you! How un-American it is to disagree! Oh wait. But...if we all were forced to agree on the same thing wouldn't that be...kinda like communism? And wait, isn't that something that we have all agreed is a bad thing?

Well geeze, now I'm just confused. So you are telling me that we are all different, all diverse and that is what makes human nature so beautiful and unique. Until you are a republican. Unless you are a white Christian. Wait, you don't agree with homosexuality or abortion? Go die a slow and painful death warmongering spawn of Satan!

I'm not trying to offend anyone with this, I just want to be able to have ONE normal conversation with someone who disagrees with me without it becoming a childish insult match. But I haven't been able to yet. Conservatives can disagree with each other and have a normal, calm debate about it. Bring a liberal into the picture? All hell breaks loose. I just don't get it.

Since when did differing opinions become such a bad thing? I disagree with you, you disagree with me. You know what? Thats okay! You don't need to force me to agree with you, just like I won't force you to agree with me. But can't we just talk about it like normal human beings?

The worst part is that no one really realizes it is happening. Take Islam. You should all read the book called Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She grew up in an Islamic family, and the stories you will read about that she went through! Beatings, female mutilation, rape, murder. Its horrible! The thing that she states to everyone is that people need to start opening their eyes and stop saying that Islam is a peace-loving religion. Americanized Islam? They are very peaceful, loving, kind people. But true Islam at its core? All you have to do is read passages in the Qu'ran. Thats why September 11th happened. Why do you think these people thought that they were serving God? Because they were just doing what God/Mohammed commanded them to do. And I'm tired of everyone arguing about that. Read the Qu'ran for yourself! People need to stop buying every word that is told them and start thinking for themselves. And people also need to stop pretending like it doesn't matter. These issues are important. Religion, evolution, climate change, abortion. These issues are important and people don't care enough to find things out for themselves, so they go with the flow. Its extremely frustrating!

*deep breath*

And now back to our regular broadcasting.


Viv said...

Wow. I can understand your frustration but those are some pretty blanket statements. To lump all democrats and liberals in as "easy to make fun of" and unable to have a calm and reasonable debate just, if anything, adds fuel to the fire.
Also, I can't really say what's in the Qu'ran, but if it's anything like the Torah, it's the misinterpretations that are the problem, not the religion itself. I know that in the Torah we are told to kill a specific sect of people (Amalek). Does that mean that I should go around looking for Amalekis to kill. Of course not. Common sense is key.
Being religious and somewhat liberal, I get into these types of debates all the time (mostly with my dad) and I don't really wanna start on it now and I certainly don't want to argue because hey, we're all friends here, but not "agreeing" with someone being gay is like not "agreeing" with someone being white or black. You can not agree with their lifestyle, that's your personal choice, but being gay is not the same kind of thing as choosing to agree with abortion (which, for the record, I don't. As a personal choice. But then again, I'm not having sex till I'm married, so I guess it won't matter. On the other hand, to each her own).
Again, I don't mean this in any argumentative way. It's just my two cents!

Anonymous said...

ETSL, I agree that people are hypocritical - myself included. So many people preach a certain point or action and actually do the opposite. It's very frustrating.

Viv, you're completely right that it's the interpretation. If you think about it, anything can be supported by, say, the Bible. Seriously, both sides of an arguement can get a quote that can be interpreted to support them.

People need to stop being so concerned about being right and start fixing things for the coming generations.

Anonymous said...

I am a republican and proud of it. I love him and I love Sean Hannity. I can't stand it when extreme liberalists call into his show and rip him. They never have a valid comment or concern. They just want to hate on him. I think he's one of the smartest media guys out there.

enjoyingthesinglelife said...

Viv - thank you for your comments. It probably was unfair of me to lump all of them in the same category, I apologize for that.
As for the whole thing with the Bible saying to kill a specific sect of people, that was very different. The Amalekites no longer exist for one, and second, the reason God told them to wipe them out was because the Amalekites were a brutal sect of people who had some of the most agonizing, horrifying forms of torture that you could imagine. They showed no mercy, regardless of age, gender, etc. Jews and Christians don't do that, that is all based on religion. So its a bit different in that case.
And I think we disagree a bit on homosexuality being a lifestyle. I don't believe it is, I believe it is a choice because I have friends who used to be gay and aren't anymore. You can't just change what you are born to be. But hey, people would disagree with me and thats okay...thank you for your thoughts, I appreciate them :)

BMR - Yes, unfortunately if you twist anything out of context it can support whatever you want it to...I completely agree with you!

Madison - AMEN!!!

Viv said...

The Amalek thing was really just an example of how someone could, say, go into the Bible and be like, oh these people are cruel (I know that the Amalekites were bad people, but when the King was shown mercy and spared, which seems like a kind act, the Jews were punished). There are many more examples, that's just the first that came to mind.

enjoyingthesinglelife said...

Viv- I understand what you're saying, and whenever I went through those stories I always thought the same thing...its not until you look at the context and do some studying on the history of that time that it all makes sense as to why they would be punished for it...they were given an order to wipe out the nation, and everyone knows that the only way to COMPLETELY do that is to wipe out the leaders especially...thats the way it is in every situation...they left the king alive, and though that didn't have any immediate effects, the long-term effects were horrible...because they didn't do what they were instructed to do, the nation came back and ended up almost destroying the Jews.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you've done your research into the history. Have you done similar indepth research into the statements you have made about Islam, the Quran and Prophet Muhammed? Or are your statements based on the book you read. I can assure you that rape, female mutilation etc is not allowed in Islam, and shows the terrible aspects of people, not the religion.

Thanks for being more fair, Viv.