Friday, August 3, 2007

The Beginning

Well, before I start off with a description of myself, let me start this off right now with 2 things. First of all, this is a blog for myself, to get out my thoughts and work things out in my head. I welcome advice, etc. but all in all, that is the main purpose of it. Second, I have never been a faithful journalist. So I may post 20 one week and maybe 1 the next week. Just a warning.

About me. I live in Canada, I am a girl, I am a Christian. I'm not going to get a whole lot more detailed than that because its not important. I'll say that I'm between the ages of 18-24. The thing that defines me most is that I am a Christian. That molds and shapes my life, the decisions I make and my behavior in different situations. This blog will not have a lot of discussions about sex or anything like that. Mostly because I'm single :) But also because I'm one of those crazy old-fashioned people who believe in the "no sex until marriage" kinda thing. I've made some bad choices in my past, but I live in the present with my eyes on the future.

And I am enjoying the single life. That is another reason for this blog. A lot of the blogs written by girls like myself are filled with interesting stories of the guys they meet and talk to and go out with and imagine naked (or do more than imagine, haha). For those looking for another one, this will not be the same. I will undoubtedly talk about guys because hey, I'm a girl, and hey, I like guys. But I am definitely not ready for a relationship, and at this point am enjoying my life without any attachments. Because I've had trouble with being single in the past, I'm going to try it out ;)

A little more about me. I love music. I sing and play guitar, and I would LOVE to play the violin, bass guitar and drums one day. But one thing at a time. I love dancing. Can't say that I'm all that good at it, but that sure doesn't stop me from doing it anyways! Regardless of how white I look. I love reading as well. I want to read every CS Lewis book ever written on day. It is on my list of 100 things to do before I die, which I will get to eventually. I love movies. Especially musicals and chick flicks. Hairspray is officially my new favorite movie. But then, Lord of the Rings is on the list too. I love travelling too! About 8 months ago, I got back from a semester of college in Peru. Which was INCREDIBLE.

Anyways, that is more than enough for now, I'll be back!

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