Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Too Early for Clever Titles

Well it is a FABULOUS day today, is it not? Sun is shining, birds are singing. Actually thats not true at all. Its kind of gray outside and I'm pretty sure all the smart birds have migrated already. Thats okay. Its still a great day.

Had my second salsa class last night which was SO much fun! Seriously though, watch out for latin boys. They're trouble. Good-looking trouble. Really really good-loo...I digress. My mom just got back from her weekend away and in hopes of starting things off well, I bought her flowers. Yes, I'm a suck-up. But hey, if it works, why not? I was in too much of a good mood to fight about petty things yesterday. And it worked. I was impressed. It was nice to see my brother again too, I don't get to see him much these days. By the way, hes 7. And hes awesome. Why the large age gap? Well you see, when I was 3 and my sister was about 5, my parents got divorced. They were apart for about 5 years, and man those were some fun years. Lots of screaming, fighting, tears, it was a good time.

Then my nana (grandma) got lung cancer, and they didn't expect her to live. They even did surgery but because they thought there was no chance that she would live, they did a crappy job. Leaving her with 2/3 of one lung left. Anyways, nothing they did could make her get better. Finally my dad started praying and completely turned his life around. The moment he did, my nana was completely better. Which some people would call amazing, I call it a miracle. Anyways, after that my parents started dating each other again and eventually got married again, and had my brother. Its pretty cool actually :)

Anyways, I've got a ton of work to do so I'm going to head off!


Anonymous said...

What a great story about your parents. I think that's wonderful. Sounds like your brother was a blessing.

Emily said...

I love seeing (or reading in this case) how God works in other people's lives! Thanks for sharing the story.

oh, and adding you to my faves!