Friday, August 10, 2007

Close Call

Just got back from watching Rush Hour 3 with two of my best guy friends (one used to be a bit more than that, but I'll get into that at a later date). Before I continue, let me just say that Rush Hour 3 is HILARIOUS. Go see it. Like. Now.

Anyways, on a more serious note, these two guys almost died today in a car crash. And its about the 3rd time in the last month that either one or both of them nearly died in a car accident. In all cases they should have at least been in the hospital, yet all times they have come out without a scratch. Now, most people would say that they are lucky. I have a different point of view which is probably contraversial. I believe that they have been kept alive by the grace of God. They are both absolutely incredible young men, love God with all their hearts, and also happen to be among the large minority of guys who still believe that chivalry is not dead. That alone makes them stand out. Its very scary though, I care about them both a ton and I'm just about ready to take their keys away from them, lol. All I can say is that God has quite the plan for their lives because theres gotta be some reason why they are alive, because they certainly aren't doing anything to keep themselves that way, haha.

Listening to Apologize by One Republic...depressing but I can definitely relate to it...question for y'all, is it possible for it to ever be "too late" for anything? "It's too late to apologize, its too late". Is that possible? I can relate to the feeling of being tired of excuses and tired of getting screwed over and lied to. And I've wanted to not accept apologies before. But I have found that not accepting apologies just allows them to build up into a bitterness inside of me. Until I can forgive and "forget" (as much as one can forget), I am unable to let go.

Hmm, food for thought. Off to bed.


Viv said...

That's such a great attitude. I forget to think like that sometimes...

Anonymous said...

being able to forgive helps you heal. that's so lame and cheesy but it's true. you don't need to forget just learn to forgive.

Jaiden said...

I think that it is never too late for anything. To forgive somebody who wronged you helps you heal from what they did. I know that I am able to forgive, eventually but that I never forget, and thats ok.