Friday, August 10, 2007

Bring on the Coffee

Ugh, so I can tell that its going to be a crappy day.
Woke up late this morning and it was freezing in my house, went upstairs to take a shower and all the hot water had been used already. My ride couldn't find the keys to her car which caused us to be even later. The train left just as we got to the station. Tripped over a grate on the sidewalk. Got to the office, missed both elevators that were going up. (As a side note, the elevators in our building are demon-possessed, I swear. I walked to the one that said it was going up and it closed in my face. Same thing happened with the next one). Got into work and I have a huge pile of invoicing issues that I need to fix which will take a long time to fix because someone else screwed up their job. I love fixing other peoples mistakes.

And I am so tired of fighting with my mom! When we get along, we are really close. But when she is in a "mood", she is impossible to deal with! Nothing I do is right. Of course I happen to have an older sister who is perfect. Who I constantly get compared to. Usually I can just brush it off but yesterday was unbelievable!

And I'm really really sick of her and my older sister needing to know how much money I have, what I'm spending my money on, whether I really think that I need to spend it on this or that, etc. Seriously, I'm an adult! I know that I'm really bad at spending my money right away, but I'm also really good at saving it. And having a social life tends to cost a little bit of money. UGH.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to the weekend...going out of town to relax at a lake. Or depending on the weather, relaxing by a pool. At the moment everything is dark and grey and its raining.

Its going to be a fantastic day.


Anonymous said...

I'm all caught up on your blog. love it!! I'm adding you to my list of faves. :)

Jaiden said...

Im going to copy madison. I love your blog. Seriously, enjoy being single while you can!!