Friday, August 17, 2007

All By Myself, Don't Wanna Be All By Myself

Oh yes, I did use a Celine Dion song as a title. Sue me.

So as of...yesterday, 4 more of my friends are in relationships. Just like that. Boom. All in one day. I'm thrilled. I actually am thrilled for them, I got all giddy for them, I'm happy for them, but there is NOTHING like being one of the only single ones left in the group. Feels great. So there I am, all happy and giddy for them, planning their weddings already (I'm a loser, sue me.) and I'm going to end up as the old spinster lady with cats and a baseball bat that I wave at kids who come within 20 feet of my house. Okay, so I'm MAYBE being a little bit overdramatic. The thing is that there are only so many decent eligible guys in my acquaintance at the moment. And most of them are liked by people who are close to me. I've ruined enough friendships that way in the past, so I'm trying to avoid the guys who are already taken (even if they aren't aware that they are taken yet.)

I have a head start already. I have a cat. And shes black. I call her my baby. And I want another one. Even though I hate cats. I really do hate cats. But I want another one. Am I a freak? Or just lonely? *sigh*

I actually am enjoying just planning my friends' futures for them. It just reminds me that I am still attracted to guys and do still want a relationship. Eventually.


~Penny~ said...

OK, you are NOT a freak! I had my cats when I was single and if people didn't like it...well..

I am glad that you are happy for your friends because sometimes it is hard to be when you aren't in the same position!

The weekend is coming up...enjoy the single life girl!

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. I'm exactly where you are, kind of. I hate being single but then again I love it. There are so many awesome things about being single. Embrace it!!!

RachelAnn said...

single life can definately be fun! enjoy it while you can, everytime i think i want a relationship i just replay my most recent disaster and remember why i'm single!!