Tuesday, August 7, 2007

100 Things to Do Before I Die

Well I FINALLY finished up my list of 100 things to do before I die! I tell ya, its harder than you think! And here it is, in all its glory:
1. Go to Ireland
2. Go to Italy
3. Go to Israel
4. Go to Greece
5. Go to Scotland
6. Learn Greek
7. Learn Hebrew
8. Learn Gaelic
9. Go skydiving
10. Learn how to surf
11. Cook Thanksgiving dinner
12. Read every C.S. Lewis book
13. Buy my own place
14. Go white water rafting
15. Master roller-blading (I suck at it!! Its brutal...)
16. Learn how to say no - forcefully
17. Learn to play the drums
18. Learn the violin
19. Learn to play the bass
20. Read all the Lord of the Rings books
21. Go scuba diving
22. Bungee-jumping / Bridge-jumping
23. Write a song in spanish
24. Learn to make jewellry
25. Learn to crochet properly
26. Take a child psychology course
27. Go shopping in New York City
28. Learn to ride a motorcycle
29. Buy a motorcycle
30. Sing in a musical
31. Organize a childrens choir
32. Learn to speak Zulu
33. See the Gaithers in concert
34. Get a ferret
35. Join a lacrosse/rugby team
36. Learn how to salsa properly
37. Learn how to waltz
38. Learn how to tango
39. Compose a song piece
40. Enjoy a full day at the spa
41. Go on a spontaneous road trip
42. Grow a flower garden
43. Translate the Bible into a different language
44. Take swimming lessons
45. Swim with dolphins
46. Own a vineyard
47. Ride on an air balloon
48. Take an aromatherapy course
49. Get acupuncture
50. Get back in shape and stay in shape
51. Learn how to make creme brulee
52. Climb a mountain
53. Be broken up with
54. Try on wedding dresses for fun
55. Smoke a cigar
56. Go skinny dipping
57. Learn how to fix a car
58. Read the Qu'ran
59. Read the book of Mormon
60. Build a computer
61. Learn how to sail a boat
62. Go on a spontaneous vacation by myself
62. Learn how to paint
63. Take a photography course
64. Take a pottery course
65. Engage in a large food fight
66. Visit Machu Picchu
67. Explore the Egyptian pyramids
68. Travel to Easter Island
69. Visit the Stone Henge
70. Learn how to fly a plane
71. Try every culture of food
72. Surprise someone
73. Write a book
74. Go to Cirque du Soleil
75. Get my boating license
76. Volunteer at a Senior's Home
77. Volunteer at a drop-in center
78. See London's East End (the place of the infamous Jack the Ripper)
79. See the Colliseum in Rome
80. Visit Transylvania
81. See all 7 wonders of the world
82. Make a quilt
83. Learn how to draw
84. Acquire a taste for all types of food
85. Learn how to make henna tattoos
86. Master physics
87. Go to a creation conference
88. Visit a full gospel church
89. Be able to do the splits
90. Go mountain biking
91. Learn how to dance hip-hop
92. Get over my fear of water
93. Learn all there is to know about the Bermuda Triangle
94. Read a commentary on every book of the Bible
93. Go to a country dance
94. Buy fireworks
95. Take a cooking class
96. Go hang-gliding
97. Learn how to do beadwork
98. Take ballet
99. Go to a broadway musical
100. Be a bridesmaid

Well there is the magical list of 100 :) Like I said, make one of your own! They're actually really hard to do...but it feels nice to get all of that on paper...


Anonymous said...

I think this is an awesome idea to keep fun goals in life. I'm starting mine today! :)

Anonymous said...

i did the same thing!!!now i just have to figure out how to pay for it since im single now hahaha

Anonymous said...

I suggest to make it 101 and learn about the Baha'i Faith at bahai.org

Anonymous said...

wow I wouldn't do some of the things that you had on your list, such as reading the quran or the book of mormons, other then that it would seem ok

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