Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Through the Storm

And we're back! After the short little blurp in my walk through life that I was experiencing during my last post, I am back to regular programming as it were. I've realized that I've almost forgotten my list of 100 things to do before I die. I believe I've only managed to cross out 2 things on the list! That leaves 98 things to do before I die. I had better get on it!

I officially had my birthday on sunday, and it was great! Didn't do anything really exciting, I just relaxed. Got lots of gifts and cards though ;) I truly think the only reason why most people remember birthdays now is because of Facebook. But hey, I'm not complaining! I got spoiled. It was fantastic.

Thats...pretty much all I had to say! Pretty exciting, no?


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Happy Belated birthday and Happy New Year!

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